Marl, 12th December 2016. Ellie Baines is glad. As a teacher of St. Bedes College, Scunthorpe, her mother is in charge of the exchange with the Gymnasium im Loekamp, Marl. The English exchange pupils visited their German host families from 28th November until 2nd December. Ellie was also among them. The exchange has already been taking place for fifteen years. It makes it possible for English and German youth to get an insight into the school and everyday life of the partner country. This year, for example, the programme included a visit to the Harkort Primary School with the English pupils talking about everyday school life in Great Britain and presenting English school uniforms. Unfortunately, financing the exchange becomes increasingly difficult for the English pupils, Ellie Baines reports in a letter to the Elena Bleß Foundation. By the Foundation taking over a part of the travel expenses it could now be realized. The planning of the next exchange is already well under way.
Getting Support
Support for work placements of pupils abroad can be applied for by parents or schools in Germany or other european countries. Applications can be sent at any time per application form or informally, e. g. per e-mail, to
At present, exchange Programmes for pupils are only supported at the cooperating schools. Here support is applied for by the school.
Donations account
Stadtsparkasse Haltern am See
IBAN: DE 41 426 513 15 0000 25 03 99
Fax: + 49 2364 509338
Postal address:
Elena Bleß-Stiftung
Völklingenstraße 12
45721 Haltern am See