Leandra SuehlingReken, 1st December 2015. Some schools do not only make a pupils‘ exchange possible for school classes, but also for individual pupils. The grammar school of the Mariannhiller Missionaries in Maria Veen, Reken, reports about an exchange of 13-year-old Leandra, who – with the help of her school and the Partnership Association Lette-Pierguer – spent three weeks with a host family in France. Leandra, visiting class 8, summarized her enthusiasm as follows: “I had a very nice and instructive stay, especially due to the extraordinarily hearty family. I was completely integrated into the school day as well as the family life and got to know country and language.” An individual exchange, however, is mostly more expensive than a class tour. A teacher from her school suggested Leandra for a travelling expenses scholarship of the Elena Bleß Foundation. “I was delighted by this support and my family and I were relieved,” says Leandra.