Haltern am See, 21st August 2015. 0109ha-habizuti-spende-st kleinThe gastronomic highlight “ Haltern invites to dinner” has supported the Elena-Bleß Foundation with the proceeds of the cutlery donations this year. Together with her colleagues Max Schmitz (Tannenhäuschen), Matthias Pfeiffer (Sythener Flora), Daniel Georgiev (Ratsstuben), Peter Booken (Lindenhof) und Stefan Himmelmann (Restaurant Himmelmann) the chairwoman of the local hotel and restaurant association, Marianne Teltrop, presented a cheque for 1700 euros to Annette Bleß, chairwoman of the foundation committee. “We are very pleased about this great donation”, Annette Bleß thanked the gastronoms and reported in this circle on the current activities of the foundation.