Roost-Warendin, 31st July 2019
On the basis of an exemplary day, in her report Luisa-Maria very vividly describes the nice time she experienced during her work placement at the Ecole Primaire Belleforière in two classes of heterogeneous age groups. After a round of introductions in German she could read a text about the World Trade Center and the French revolution together with the pupils, play passing the buck in English and German and solve maths problems. When Luisa-Maria did not understand something, the pupils enjoyed explaining it to her, included her in their games, and they also talked to her otherwise. Later they went into the park where the children played football and tag like every day, painted the ground, the wall or trees with chalk, played rope jumping, and collected flowers and leaves. At the end of the work placement the French pupils and Luisa-Maria painted a colourful picture on the board in which they thanked each other for the nice time spent together.
Getting Support
Support for work placements of pupils abroad can be applied for by parents or schools in Germany or other european countries. Applications can be sent at any time per application form or informally, e. g. per e-mail, to
At present, exchange Programmes for pupils are only supported at the cooperating schools. Here support is applied for by the school.
Donations account
Stadtsparkasse Haltern am See
IBAN: DE 41 426 513 15 0000 25 03 99
Fax: + 49 2364 509338
Postal address:
Elena Bleß-Stiftung
Völklingenstraße 12
45721 Haltern am See