Douai, 8th July 2018. In her colourfully illustrated report on her work placement. Hannah looks back to a ”wonderful time in France”. In a kindergarten in Douai she could quickly win the hearts of the children and paint and play with them, read to them and even accompany them during a trip to a vegetable museum to Arras. She is completely happy with her experience, which she can “only recommend to everybody”.

Cassel, 5th July 2018. Only a few kilometres away from the northern French seashore Hannah spent her work placement at a collège in northern French Cassel. In her report she describes how she arranged her German lessons in different classes and in doing so noticed how much the pupils enjoyed understanding „what the task was or what I told about Germany and myself“. She also managed to do away with some clichés so that the pupils quickly noticed that in Germany you rarely run around in dirndl and leather trousers and do not always eat potatoes with every meal. Hannah is completely happy with the course of her work placement and „would go abroad again any time, also for a longer time, and therefore can reccommend to everyone to have a try and get to know another country.“

Hazebrouck, 4the July 2018. In his work placement  at a French collège Erwin taught in three different classes of different ages and levels and was happy about how well the pupils co-operated and were interested in the German culture and language. During the times when he did not teach himself he could watch the lessons in other classes and subjects, which was extremely interesting because of the differences to the German school system. As the French youngsters were very open and also included him in their conversations in the breaks, Erwin felt really good in Hazebrouck and could make the most of his experiences.

Vasto, 3rd July 2018. We get the exciting report on his work placement by Nico, who was allowed to do a work placement with the Italian online-newspaper ZONALOCALE. The contributing journalists of this newspaper are scattered all over Italy and – apart from writing – must be proficient in taking phptos and editing videos. Nico could mostly communicate with the other staff in English, in many cases also with the help of Google translators. During his work placement he not only composed an online article of his own about his first impressions of the town of Vasto, but also got to know the advertisement team and contribited to issuing reports. Shortly before the election he was allowd to attend an appointment in the town hall, which was about the posters for the upcoming election.

Getting Support

Support for work placements of pupils abroad can be applied for by parents or schools in Germany or other european countries. Applications can be sent at any time per application form or informally, e. g. per e-mail, to

Application form

At present, exchange Programmes for pupils are only supported at the cooperating schools. Here support is applied for by the school.

Le Vernet

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